Compared To What?!

Compared To What?!

I love this quote I heard from Bill Johnson a few years ago: “If you truly knew who God created you to be, then you wouldn’t want to be anyone else.” We read quotes like this on social media, and we’ll “like” the posts, or share it and tag a friend...or, maybe we get really crazy and share it to our own social media accounts :) But how many of us are honestly learning to love how God designed us? There is far too much comparison happening in our society, and sadly it’s the same story in the church. For women especially, insecurity and comparison is a widespread issue that is keeping us silent and immobile. 

I’ve been on a journey of discovering how to run in my lane and be what God has called ME to be. If I’m to be a faithful follower of Jesus, then part of my faithfulness to Jesus is to GROW. To be completely honest, I’ve spent far too long admiring and longing for the gifts I see in others (including my own spouse), while allowing the enemy to fill my head with thoughts that my own gifts and the way I’m wired are less-than. This day and age of social media is a real driver of insecurity if we allow it. For example, as pastors, Braden and I can now see everything that EVERYONE OTHER CHURCH ON THE PLANET is doing within a few minutes right on our computers or phones. We can listen to the greatest preachers of our generation who are also writing the most amazing books (in their spare time apparently!), hear the most incredible worship leaders and newest songs, see the churches with the biggest congregations doing allll the things and hosting allll the conferences… and it’s all at our fingertips. Before I even really start my day, I can find myself overwhelmed with what everyone else is accomplishing while I’m over here trying to make it through the week! :)

If we’re going to be fruitful and effective, we must RUN IN OUR LANE. I think of the scripture in Heberews 12:2 often - “…Looking away from all that distracts to Jesus- the champion and initiator of our faith...” If you’re finding yourself in constant negative comparison with others and feeling insecure, I’ve come up with some tools that have helped me to keep my eyes on Jesus and learn to love how He’s created me:

  • Spend time daily with Jesus - allowing the Holy Spirit to minister to speak to you about you. Our confidence can only come from knowing Him intimately. There is no shortcut to spending time in the secret place. In the hidden places is where we’re molded, shaped and grown.

  • Appreciate the gifts in others that you see and TELL them (even if it’s done intentionally and by faith)! This cultivates a heart of gratefulness for those who are different than you. As you begin to truly value who they are, it also brings freedom to value yourself!

  • Listen to how God is leading you to minister to others and JUST SAY YES! Write the note, give the word, pray over that person, send the text, make the call!

  • Just do what God is leading you to do. No more, no less. In the secret place, we’ll hear His leading. Shut off the noise and hone in to what He’s saying, then walk it out by faith.

God designed every part of you on purpose FOR A PURPOSE. He doesn’t want you to try and copy someone else, be someone else or even think like someone else -- He created you unique and one-of-a-kind for a reason. As you begin to discover your true identity and value in Him, you will become more and more secure in how God wired YOU to operate. How you laugh. How you pray, preach or sing. How you love others. Remember this verse below and come out of hiding - WHO YOU ARE IS WHAT THE WORLD NEEDS!

Psalm 139:13

“For You formed my inmost being; You knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Marvelous are Your works, and I know this very well…”

Roll Like The Ocean

Roll Like The Ocean

Babies, Babble and Faith

Babies, Babble and Faith