Take Heart
So, I got un-friended on Facebook today. I normally don’t notice things like this, but I just happened to see this one. This isn’t the first time, and I’m sure it won’t be the last, but somehow it still has a bit of a sting to it. To make matters worse, this friend was actually someone that I had spent a considerable amount of time with trying to help her during a rough season in her life. Some of us have large social circles, while some of us may only have a few close personal friends. However, the fact remains that we all want to be loved and feel the support of friendship.
The hurt and pain of loss - whether it be a friend leaving your life, death of a loved one or a painful divorce - is real and unfortunately there’s not a magic pill to make the pain of it disappear. No matter how large or small, each loss can leave our hearts with little holes, and in time, these little holes create big holes if not dealt with in the right way.
I love what Jesus said in Matthew 16:33: “Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.” This tells me that through the big and the small hurts, my heart is kept safe in the Father’s love for me. I like to think of my daughters sitting on the couch snuggling with their dad. They’re still small enough that he can fit one under each arm. Sitting with dad they’re safe & secure. The same holds true for us with God - while there is absolute chaos, pain & suffering in the world today, we can live in a state of peace & rest knowing Who holds our tomorrow. Even when we suffer loss or pain, we can learn to rest because we trust God who is our Heavenly Father. He takes our pain and creates beauty from it when we are willing to trust Him.
As Christians, we’re not promised a perfect existence. However, we have hope that is fully anchored in the One true & living God, and in Him we can find perfect peace no matter the situations that arise in our lives.
2 Corinthians 1:3-4, Psalm 73:26, Psalm 18:2, Isaiah 43:2
God, I trust You today. I give you all my hurts, my losses and my current circumstances. I ask you to heal my heart and cover me in the perfect peace that only YOU can give. I rest in You today and in your unending love for me. In Jesus’ Name, amen.