Laundry Problems
I despise doing laundry. It honestly seems to multiply when you’re not looking. I realize that if I would just do a little each day, then the huge out-of-control piles wouldn’t happen. Do I do that though? No, of course not! I let it accumulate until it takes me at least one full day out of the weekend to do it all. I seriously envy people who have it together with their laundry!
The other day, I was looking at all the piles of clean laundry needing to be put away sitting on my bed. I had them sorted out, but they were still there. I started thinking about our souls (our mind, will & emotions) and all the little piles of things we sometimes leave unaddressed. Because it can hurt or because we are fearful of the outcome, we tend to just let them live there like a bad splinter under our skin.
I grew up in a home where things were kept fairly private. Our family’s issues were just that—our family’s issues. My husband, on the other hand, grew up in a family where everything was loud, out in the open and everybody brought up whatever was bothering them. When I first started coming around his family, I was a bit taken aback by this. It was jarring to me, and I didn’t like it. But when we had been married a few years, I realized that I was thankful for my husband’s desire to keep things out in the open with us. He wouldn’t let me bottle up my emotions and feelings only to explode later.
A root of something left to itself will grow – whether good or bad. We all have issues, past junk & skeletons in the closet, but it’s beyond time that we pull it all out and lay it before God. We will never grow if we don’t learn to be vulnerable and open about where we are. This is where true growth in us really happens, and how our souls will begin to thrive.
The Bible says in Song of Solomon 2:15, “Catch for us the foxes, the little foxes that ruin the vineyards.” Notice it wasn’t a hail storm that ruined the vineyard, and it wasn’t a tsunami or even a tornado. It was little foxes eating away slowly at the vines until there was nothing left and they began to rot. You may think your laundry is way beyond help, but no one is beyond the love and grace of God. A good practical start to getting healthy is to find someone who you can be completely honest and open with – someone who will help you walk through the things that are really going on in your life.
Start today addressing your soul – don’t let it sit there withering away. God loves you, is for you and is ready to help you grow. He’s not put off or disappointed because you have weak areas or are dealing with issues. He’s ready and waiting for you to run to Him, and He’s called you to greatness and has a purpose and plan for your life!
3 John 1:2, Philippians 3:12-14
God, I come to you with an open heart and a desire to grow. I want to be honest and open about these things I’m dealing with, and I know it starts with me knowing how much You love me. I can’t fail because You are for me. Show me who I can go to for help. I’m asking for your wisdom. In Jesus’ Name, amen!