This one word from God a couple of weeks ago on that fishing boat brought me back to center- my true north. It reminded me that I’m good. My heart is good. I’m growing, and growth is a process- a journey.
This one word from God a couple of weeks ago on that fishing boat brought me back to center- my true north. It reminded me that I’m good. My heart is good. I’m growing, and growth is a process- a journey.
I’ve been on a journey of discovering how to run in my lane and be what God has called ME to be. If I’m to be a faithful follower of Jesus, then part of my faithfulness to Jesus is to GROW.
I want you to have the boldness to go after things that you desire knowing that He’s right there with you cheering you on.
…a life worth living is a life completely surrendered, laid down and firmly built upon Jesus – our Rock…
If HE is enough, and I’m found in HIM, then I have the choice to trade my feelings of insecurity and inadequacy for His strength, peace & joy.
…in the waiting, learn to praise Him and turn your heart towards thanking Him for the things you don’t yet have in your hand.
Jesus is all in with us. Even though He knows the end from the beginning, He still pours out his mercy, grace and incredible love on us…
A root of something left to itself will grow – whether good or bad.
Even when we suffer loss or pain, we can learn to rest because we trust God who is our Heavenly Father. He takes our pain and creates beauty from it when we are willing to trust Him.
It's time to let your faith rise, let go of the past and move forward in freedom.
Be encouraged today that God is in the change... He’s in the unknown...and He’ll be right there walking with you through it all.
Whatever state you’re in today, be encouraged that this can be the day that you start.